The English Guitar Company
featuring Dogleg Steve's Cigar Box Guitars
I am honoured to have been awarded a top ten place in the CB Gitty's New Orleans CBG video playoffs 2023 ! That's some achievement methinks!
I have been voted number 1 maker of the
UK Cigar Box Guitar makers April 2023 !!
My Acoustic guitars are varied. I make different styles and designs as I am commissioned or as the whim takes me. I am free to experiment or to stick to traditional designs and methods. This is always an exciting time for me.
I enjoy making smaller guitars and Parlour type guitars and these can be either traditional design and build or with modern features such as cutaways, arm bevels, electrics.
As with my Classical guitars they are made using only the best tonewoods.
My soundboards are European Spruce, the sides and backs are Indian Rosewood, South American Rosewood, Walnut, Maple or a mixture of several woods. There is no rule for the design and I enjoy experimenting.
Please contact me to discuss your exact requirements or click here to see guitars for sale or in progress.
Prices are from £700.
I use only sustainable woods and am enroled on the Tree Nation program
My woods are also part of the Rain Forest Allience program